Running your own business isn’t easy and, if you have an accountant looking after your finances, trying to keep them happy and your spending in check is never easy. When it comes to your transportation costs, therefore, it’s vital to ensure you’re doing all you can to maximise fuel economy and keep the cost of running your commercial vans down.
To help you get the most out of your vehicle in terms of fuel economy and costs, we at Vanwise Group in Harlow, and Maidstone are pleased to offer a selection of tips and advice.
It’s easier said than done when your commercial van is packed with goods necessary for your working day, but trying to shed any excess weight in your vehicle is essential. In fact, a reduction of just 45kg could be enough to boost your fuel economy by 1%.
It seems that Google Maps is steadily replacing traditional satellite navigation systems for modern motorists, with its ability to use geo tracking of drivers to determine where and when a build-up of traffic is occurring. Use this to avoid the constant stop/start of traffic which uses up additional fuel.
Tempting as it might be to approach every journey with vigour and aim to complete as quickly as possible, it remains a fact that steadily maintaining your speed will prove far more economical than trying to exceed optimum driving speeds of between 55-65mph.
Did you realise that, when driving at speeds of less than 55mph, it’s more fuel efficient to cool down the cabin by opening a window than switching on the air conditioning? Or that when travelling above 55mph, the opposite is true? If not, you do now.
Such a simple check can make all the difference. Properly inflated tyres will improve mileage by up to 3.3%, so regularly carrying out a tyre pressure check will undoubtedly prove valuable. Many newer commercial vans even feature a tyre pressure monitoring system that will alert you when your tyres need inflating.
It may seem like an additional cost that you can ill afford, but regular vehicle servicing is important to maintaining the performance and efficiency of your commercial van. Tyres, air filters, oil changes, etc. will all be conducted to the highest standard, enabling you to get the best out of your vehicle for longer.
Knowing all this now you are ready to go on a hunt for your next van. Check our available stock for many different types of pre-owned commercial vehicles.
Panel vans, minibuses, pick-ups, and tipper vans from the biggest makes are all available at great prices.
If you'd like to test drive one of the used vans for sale, have a look at our website to see what we have for you, and call us at our Essex dealership on 01279 216163. Ask us about our vans on finance and van contract hire offers too.